Monday, September 8, 2008


Every year in August we go camping for my sister Andrea's birthday, after missing the last 2 years I was not going to miss this one.  Our beautiful campsite right on the river.
Pat caught many rainbow trout in this river; the largest was at least 5 inches long. Nadia and I made a little pool for them so we could watch and touch them. Every time Nadia touched one she would squeal and tell me they were slimy.
My very own tent
Backgammon anyone...

Our hike up to Lena Lake
Pat, Nadia, Andrea (8mo. pregnant), Derek, Alyx, Me (Rachelle), Mark and Stacey

It was a nice long hike and I'm glad it wasn't hot.  Lucky Nadia got to have shoulder rides almost the whole way up.  Coming back Nadia fell asleep on my shoulders, so I carried her half of the way down, Stacey took the next quarter then she woke up and got shoulder rides from her new uncle Mark. 
Pat was the only one brave enough to swim across the lake.
Salamanders our new friends..

Our Final day...
Derek makes a mean dozen or more of scrambled eggs and Nadia's favorite 'PANCAKES'

And of coarse Nadia got her finger pinched and she wanted to see the pictures of herself eating her pancakes which made her giggle.


The Patton's said...

i like the pics of camping you had alot more play-by-play pics than i did.
and the one of nadia crying it's so sad but she is still cute.

Melissa said...

Pat swam across the lake? Brrr! He is brave. This looks like a fun camping trip and once again makes me homesick for Washington.